Santo Stefano

E’ un isolotto disabitato, posto a un miglio da Ventotene, su cui sono ancora visibili i resti del carcere ormai abbandonato. Più che nei paesaggi terrestri, il fascino di S. Stefano è da ricercare nei suoi fondali. Le sorprese per chi si immerge nelle sue acque sono infinite.  Esplorare le sue grotte, gli anfratti, il fondo marino irregolare e […]


Located half way between Ponza and Ischia, Ventotene is the smallest of thePontine islands inhabited. Of volcanic origin, has reddish earth and vegetation consists of trees and Indian figs. E ‘the ideal for those seeking tranquility, with nature, away from the chaos and crowds full of remains of Roman times, giving it the charm of historical sites, has preserved […]


Situata a mezza via tra Ponza e Ischia, Ventotene è la più piccola delle isole Pontine abitate. Di origine vulcanica, ha terre rossastre e vegetazione composta da arbusti e fichi d’india. E’ il soggiorno ideale per chi ricerca tranquillità, contatto con la natura, lontananza da caos e affollamento Ricca di resti di epoca romana, che le conferiscono […]


Zannone - Welcome Charter - Boat and yacht charter - noleggio di yacht e barche

Zannone – Yacht Charter Zannone It is the most northern island of the archipelago. Uninhabited, since 1979 is part of the National Park of Circeo. Covered with forests of oak and cork, is a refuge for sea birds and the wild pitch and maintains the characteristics of flora and fauna of the Mediterranean. The only point of […]


A poche centinaia di metri da Ponza sorge uno scoglio roccioso, disabitato, separato dall’isola da un canale di circa 130 metri, navigabile solo da barche di media grandezza.  Non vi sono spiagge, un sentiero conduce all’unica casa dell’isola.


Palmarola - Welcome Charter - Boat and yacht charter - noleggio di yacht e barche

Palmarola – Yacht Charter Palmarola Ponza is from just over seven miles and Palmarola is morphologically similar to mother island. Roll-out over 400 meters of volcanic origin, has multicolored rocks, reefs, rocks and caves that feature so largely dependent on its landscape. In ancient times there was extracted obsidian, which took several items that are sold with the […]


Ponza - Welcome Charter - Boat and yacht charter - noleggio di yacht e barche

Ponza – Yacht Charter Ponza Ponza that main Pontine Islands, located 59 km south-west of Gaeta and 33 south of Cape Circeo. Ancient home of the sorceress Circe, Ponza has experienced various dominations and was forced residence of all who were invisible to the regime in power, by the Emperor Augustus, which was home of his daughter Julia, to the […]


Elba is the largest island of the Tuscan Archipelago and the third of Italy, has six ports and a host of coves and docks. Its coastline is very rugged and full of bays, inlets, headlands. Along its perimeter alternate vast beaches, wild and hidden. From those well known and less equipped to know why only accessible by sea, […]


E’ l’isola più grande dell’Arcipelago Toscano e la terza d’Italia; ha sei porti e un’infinità di calette e approdi. La sua costa è molto frastagliata e ricca di golfi, insenature, promontori. Lungo il suo perimetro si alternano spiagge vaste, selvagge e nascoste. Da quelle molto note e attrezzate a quelle meno conosciute perché accessibili solo dal […]


Wide sandy beaches alternate with pleasant bays with high cliffs, a conformation, that of the Gulf of Tigullio, which offers many opportunities for those who wants the sea life from the boat, and then these are the calls ofCamogli, Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo , Chiavari, Lavagna e Sestri Levante, pearls set in this stretch of […]